2018 Creative South Sticker Pack
While preparing to attend the 2018 Creative South conference in Columbus, GA, I was thinking of things to hand out to participate in the community. While I could have given out just single stickers, I was on a sticker pack kick while working on my surprise birthday sticker packs, I thought it would be a good idea to make a sticker pack to give out at the conference.
I didn't want to create the pack alone, so I collaborated with my dear friend and design extraordinaire Amanda Pfiel. You can read about her sticker designs here.

The theme for the conference was circus. So we thought of ways we could use the theme to create our own unique stickers. I decided to use the ringmaster leotard and and the elephant on a ball. Instead of a ball, I decided to use a peach.

We created 50 sticker packs, and divided them in half to hand out 25 sticker packs each. Amanda was more successful than me, but I didn't come home with too many packs. I also mailed some to attendees I met, but didn't have packs on me. This was a fantastic project, and hope to do something like this again.