Baton Rouge Drink & Draw
Create a graphic to promote the Baton Rouge Drink & Draw event on Wednesday, October 30, 2018 at White Star Market.
Custom artwork, social media promotion graphics for Facebook, Instagram and Instagram Stories
As the host of the Baton Rouge Drink & Draw events, I usually asked a local artist to create promotional artwork for the event. However, I decided to tackle the challenge myself. If an artist had a question or wanted a prompt on what to create, I asked them to think of their interpretation of previously attended Drink & Draw events. So I used that prompt myself, and considered the date. This event was the day before Halloween, so I wanted to bring the holiday into the art, but I wanted to bring in the venue too.

I looked at Google Maps, and collaged some screenshots of the venue together as a reference. Thankfully the venue is off the main road, Google Maps was a huge help! I also looked at Halloween decorations, and what I could add to the venue.

Sketching out the venue, I looked at what decorations I could add to give it an halloween theme. So cobwebs, haunted houses and tombstones came to mind. Spiders, overgrown grass also came to mind. So I turned the venue into a haunted house, filled with all of the elements mentioned, plus some easter eggs like the Drink & Draw flower and the date of the event. I kept the elements in the final illustration minimal, because I didn’t want to over do the Halloween elements.

I considered the time of the event when deciding the color scheme. I was thinking of trick-or-treaters going from house to house at night, so I wanted the scene at night. Because of that, I kept the colors muted. As with most of my projects, I kept it down to five colors as a challenge. The elements are minimal and clean, but together still create an interesting composition.
Now that I was satisfied with the artwork, it was time to apply them to social media graphics. Baton Rouge Drink & Draw had a Facebook and Instagram account, so I created graphics for a Facebook post, Facebook event header, Instagram post and Instagram Stories.

I had to create graphics to promote the January 2019 and November 2019 Drink & Draw events. Because of the success of this graphic, I decided to repurpose the bones of the original artwork, and make changes unique to those events.
I changed the color scheme and removed the Halloween decorations. Since it was the new year, I added the 2019 Pantone Color of the Year, Living Coral. I added snow because it was in the weather forecast for that night. We rarely get snow in South Louisiana, and it didn't snow that night.

This graphics set was a quick turn-around, so I didn't do much to this. I changed the color scheme to feel more fall and Thanksgiving themed, and added a new pillar the venue added to the front, facing the main street.